
Students wearing green shirts smiling at camera.

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Communities in Schools of the Permian Basin (CISPB) helps students stay in school and make the right choices by connecting schools with needed community resources.

From individualized case management services to facilitated services or programs for a targeted group of students, CISPB helps ease the burden on schools, strengthen relationships between home and school, and increase opportunities for positive life choices and academic achievement. By implementing this approach, CISPB creates a community of caring adults who work directly with educators and are able to reach students most at risk for dropping out of school.

CISPB believes every child needs and deserves “Five Basic Life Tools” in order to be successful:

  • A safe place to learn and grow

  • A chance to give back to peers and community

  • A marketable skill to use upon graduation

  • A healthy start and a healthy future

  • A personal one-on-one relationship with a caring adult

Adam Portillo


CIS at AEC has been beneficial for our at risk students.  CIS coordinates with AEC to create a tailored program that will meet a student's individual needs.  Our campus CIS representative works with our student's and parent's to help provide the extra support in academics, home needs, and health and human services.  Communities in Schools on our campus has begun a food pantry program in conjunction with the West Texas Food Bank.  Mrs Carpenter identifies student's who may need extra food at home and communicates with parents and accommodates their needs.

CIS plays a critical role on our campus due to our at risk and economically disadvantage students.  CIS is another program that provides the added support our campus needs  for guidance of our students!

Paul Hidalgo

Asst. Principal, Midland Lee HS

Our Communities in Schools program & it's staff members have become an essential component of Midland Lee HS and Midland ISD.
With their partnership & assistance, we work diligently to assist our at-risk students in order to meet their overall needs & improve their educational outcomes.
Once our students enter this program, each are provided with non-judgmental support, guidance & a true sense of belonging through planned activities, protocols & interpersonal relationship opportunities.
Overall, we appreciate CIS' efforts & approaches which encourage academic success & also give our students an additional support system to access when needed.

Amber Scott

CIS Alumni

I don't know how to thank you enough for everything you have been doing for me.
Most people in these types of situations could say that they are alone, but I am not one of them.
I am truly thankful and grateful to have met you.
There are definitely still some good people out there.
I appreciate everything and you have made my year 10x better.
Thank you so much Mrs. Castillo!



To contribute financially to our efforts to support our at-risk students, click here to make your donation.


Volunteer opportunities are specific to each school. Visit here to see our list of participating schools.


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Welcome! We invite you to get involved in our mission through your time, treasure or any other consideration. 


If you would like to reach out to us to receive more information or have feedback, contact us here.