To contribute financially to our efforts to support our at-risk students, click here to make your donation.
Eliseo Elizondo, MBA
Executive Director
(432) 205-1365
Hilda Sanchez
Program Director
(432) 272-0329
Bertha Jaramillo
Development Director
(432) 205-1364
Crystal Ruiz, LCSW
Program Manager of Mental Health Support
(432) 205-1364
Ashley Dominguez
Executive Assistant
(432) 205-1364
Matiana Garcia
Administrative Assistant
(432) 272-0329
Angelica Osteguin, M.Ed
Program Coordinator
(432) 205-1364
Enedelia Ureta
Program Coordinator
(432) 272-0329
Mental Health Counselor
(432) 205-1364
Project Athena Coordinator
(432) 205-1364
XY-Zone Coordinator
(432) 205-1364
Alternative Education Center
(432) 456-2410
Cavazos Elementary
(432) 456-1303
Dowling Elementary
(432) 456-3489
Murry Fly Elementary
(432) 456-4614
GE Buddy West Elementary
Goliad Elementary
Downing Elementary
(432) 456-6171
Ector College Prep Middle School
Crockett Middle School
(432) 456-5404
Bowie Middle School
(432) 456-2618
Bonham Middle School
(432) 456-2569
Nimitz Middle School
(432) 456-2976
Wilson and Young Medal of Honor Middle School
(432) 456-0459 Ext: 62844
Odessa High School
(432) 456-2154
Permian High School
(432) 456-5833 Ext 65833
Goddard Junior High School
(432) 240-3622
Alamo Junior High School
(432) 240-2872
San Jacinto Junior High School
(432) 240-3899
Abell Junior High School
Midland Freshman High School
(432) 240-3418
Midland High School
(432) 240-3036
Legacy Freshman High School
(432) 240-2495
Legacy High School
(432) 240-2295
South Elementary School
(432) 240-8121
Scharbauer Elementary School
Midland Alternative Program
(432) 240-4710
Crockett Middle School
(432) 447-7461
Pecos High School
(432) 447-7400 Ext 8113
To contribute financially to our efforts to support our at-risk students, click here to make your donation.
Volunteer opportunities are specific to each school. Visit here to see our list of participating schools.
Welcome! We invite you to get involved in our mission through your time, treasure or any other consideration.
If you would like to reach out to us to receive more information or have feedback, contact us here.
The mission of Communities in Schools of the Permian Basin (CISPB) is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.
Copyright 2025 - Communities in Schools Permian Basin